Announcements- March 2020
Right now our world is going through a really hard and scary time. COVID-19 has put a spin on our everyday lives, turning our world upside down.
Since Christians at Work is an extremely small organization, all of our team members are doing their work from home, as they normally do. We will continue to serve you through this difficult time, and will continue to develop our organization.
Since Christians at Work is an extremely small organization, all of our team members are doing their work from home, as they normally do. We will continue to serve you through this difficult time, and will continue to develop our organization.
We're working on big changes in our non-profit, and we are hoping to reveal some of our plans in the next couple of months. Be on the lookout for more announcements coming soon!
Also, a quick note for those of you who are subscribed to receive our email newsletter: We are not currently sending out our monthly email newsletters. We decided to postpone sending emails until we decide what we would like to do in the future as far as the newsletters go. We felt like they might need to change some, and until we figure out what we need to do, you will not receive emails from us. We are sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience. We are hoping to have things figured out by June and will be praying that we can continue sending our emails soon. If there is anything you would like to see in our future newsletters, please send us an email with your thoughts. We'd love to hear our subscriber's opinions. For more information, please contact us at the email listed at the bottom of this post.
We're also thinking about changing our email preferences, so that if you would like to receive emails for general announcements, such as a new blog post or a new feature on our website, you can choose to get those as well as our monthly newsletters.
Our team is constantly praying for you, especially during these hard times. If you have a prayer request, please email us at the email listed on the bottom of the page. We'll pray, and if there's any way we can help, we will.
Christians at Work ✞
We're here to show you God through us.
If you have comments, questions, suggestions or prayer requests, we ask that you email us at: We’ll try to get back to you within 1-3 days. (Not including Sundays.) Thank you!
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